Welcome To Quantum Orbiting

The vibrational healing technology that helps us improve our health,
our relationships and attract more abundance in our life.

We have discovered that every sound frequency is made up of a hidden “Vibrational DNA”

By playing audio frequencies to water, and recording what happens… they’ve found that every sound forms an image 100% unique to that frequency. For scientists, this is proving to be a major breakthrough. Because once we fully understand the “DNA of Sound,” then we understand how to fully harness that vibration to create change within us.
And, that’s exactly how my magic manifestation secret works. By partnering with a sound engineer and using the latest cymatics research, we developed a vibration raising shortcut I call… Quantum Orbiting works by harnessing “sound DNA” In fact, researchers found this technology brings a person into Theta in just 8 short minutes of listening to the right frequencies.

What is “Quantum Orbiting”
and why are these audios so effective?

“Quantum Orbiting” is a new technology that infuses brainwave entrainment, hypnotic suggestions and NLP to focus the attention in a way that places the brainwaves in the optimum accelerated state for neuroplasticity to occur.

“Neuroplasticity is the term used to describe the electrical and chemical restructuring of the brain; it refers to the brain’s ‘muscle’ – what we do over and over again gets stronger whilst what we don’t do fades away. We are what we think and do.

This means that it is not ony possible but easy for us to to rewire our brains, changing thinking behaviour, habits and emotions, because through the repeated use of these audios we are physically restructuring our brain causing neuroplastic change where required. Until the discovery of neuroplasticity it was believed that the brain was a fixed and static organ that stopped developing after childhood.

Thanks to developments in the field of neuroscience and longer term studies, that is no longer the case. The brain has the ability to change and neuroplasticity is present from birth to death.

These audios work because they focus our attention on the changes required for hyper accelerated growth; deep focused attention that goes well beyond the conscious mind is necessary for neuroplasticity to occur. This is what repeated use of these audios will do and help to accelerate this process.

Whilst the pulsing audio synchronises the brainwaves, the hypnotic NLP based suggestions encode new information into the subconscious mind, creating new synaptic connections within the brain; facilitating change.

Through the continued use of the audios, we are strengthening and reinforcing these new synaptic connections making the desired thoughts, feelings and behaviours more automatic because through repetition, the brain is getting used to using those ‘muscles’.

These audios are an extremely effective way at creating change because they induce the brain wave states that are most conducive to neuroplasticity. The deeply relaxed focuses state they induce when used consistently engages the neurotransmitters necessary for brain change and neuroplasticity to occur.

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